Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer

Cliché, yet succinct.

We see the Instagram pictures, the ever increasing number of accounts of influencers who are paid to explore the depths of the world, capturing its beauty in picturesque 1080 x 1080 pixel clarity; perhaps we've been tempted by the bombardment of vacation packages pushed into our email by the countless traveling agencies for which we've signed up. Quite possibly we have felt that pang of FOMO from watching social media friends having a carefree summer while we toil away at an internship or juggle two jobs and schooling, longing for our own moment to break out of the routine day-to-day for our glorious breakthrough...

There's certainly a reason we are attracted to the escape traveling provides - and it's not just the breathtaking landscapes, exotic foods and tongues, or waking up in a different city nearly every night. Curiosity is an inherent human trait, one our ancestors possessed as well as those of more recent generations; without it, the world would be a fairly homogeneous place: no cross-culture exchanging of ideas or Heineken in China. Those struck by the "travel bug" know all too well of the curiosity of the unknown, that yearning of global understanding, that wanderlust (humor me), and often that thrill of planning the next great adventure.

While gallivanting off to faraway lands may not be the only thing you can buy to make you richer, it is certainly a rewarding and fulfilling purchase for many of those who trek away from the comforts of home temporarily or make it a way of life. Most assuredly, travel is not only for those with deep pockets either, which I plan on discussing in future posts - trust me, I have debts and loans and did not even always have a steady job but made it work. Travel is much like any goal in that if you want it badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen.

If all of this sounds like hogwash, there are a multitude of scientific studies to back up the psychological benefits of adventures and culture learning. (What can I say? I'll always be a scholar at heart and jonesin' for a great case study). For some exceptionally good reads, and a way to convince yourself to take the plunge on the first or next or 100th adventure if you're on the fence:

Disclaimer: none of these are endorsed, nor politically motivated based upon their sources, merely a few credible sites for "innocent" topics

Through travel you can improve your health and learn more about yourself than ever. Future posts aim to share what I have learned about myself, how it has positively impacted my life, travel tips to see the world on the cheap (who doesn't like stretching their dollar?), and as the name suggests, dives into the delicious brews I've met along the way.

"Adventure is out there!" -Ellie, Up


  1. This blog has Awesomeness written all over it! Can’t wait for more entries! 😊🛩💺🍻🍺

  2. Good start. Wish you much success.


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