Six by Six
Giant Food Stores, as I've mentioned before, or , if it's your first time visiting, I'll reiterate because I do love a long-winded narrative....they have an interesting array of mix-a-six units for sale which is an increasingly more efficient way to try new beers without the commitment if one only frequents a particular Giant Beer Garden every month or two because they all offer their own variety with varying rotations of styles and specific beers. Summer Blonde by River Horse Brewing Co.: a light beer with a refreshing aftertaste and, as the name suggests, a solid candidate for a summer brewski The Blondie by Owl's Brew Radler: this blondie had a little bit more body than the prior albeit still light enough to be enjoyable for summertime Oktoberfest by Sly Fox Brewing Company: I haven't met an Oktoberfest I haven't liked yet and this one did not disappoint. While Sam Adams Oktoberfest holds a special place in my heart, Sly Fox does not disappoint ...