Six by Six
Giant Food Stores, as I've mentioned before, or, if it's your first time visiting, I'll reiterate because I do love a long-winded narrative....they have an interesting array of mix-a-six units for sale which is an increasingly more efficient way to try new beers without the commitment if one only frequents a particular Giant Beer Garden every month or two because they all offer their own variety with varying rotations of styles and specific beers.
- Summer Blonde by River Horse Brewing Co.: a light beer with a refreshing aftertaste and, as the name suggests, a solid candidate for a summer brewski
- The Blondie by Owl's Brew Radler: this blondie had a little bit more body than the prior albeit still light enough to be enjoyable for summertime
- Oktoberfest by Sly Fox Brewing Company: I haven't met an Oktoberfest I haven't liked yet and this one did not disappoint. While Sam Adams Oktoberfest holds a special place in my heart, Sly Fox does not disappoint
- Gluten Free by Bridge Brewing Company: one word that came to mind was "weird." While weird is not inherently negative, it was what it was, an odd flavoring albeit I'm not sure I disliked it on my tongue either
- Bonito by Ballast Point Brewing Company: earned my New Brew Thursday badge with this beauty. Another blondie (have you caught onto the pattern yet for this 6-pack?) but the hoppiness gives it enough difference to the oters to make it worth your while
- Mosaic Promise by Founders Brewing Co.: more or less an average tasting beer on the first sip yet many flavors hidden underneath...sometimes tastes have no concrete definitive descriptions
"Alcohol may be man's worst enemy but the Bible says, 'love your enemy.'" - Frank Sinatra (not to be confused with the modern culturally relevant Tank Sinatra)
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